неделя, 15 юни 2008 г.

Season 2-Сезон 2

Season 2

Season 2, Episode 1: In My Time of Dying

Original Air Date: 28 September 2006

In the aftermath of the car crash, the surviving Winchesters go to the hospital, where one is stalked by a Reaper while another must consider sacrificing himself to save the others.

Season 2, Episode 2: Everybody Loves a Clown

Original Air Date: 5 October 2006

Sam and Dean listen to a message on John's cell phone from a woman named Ellen (guest star Samantha Ferris)and decide to track her down. They are shocked to discover Ellen runs a road house that also serves as a gathering place for hunters like themselves. Meanwhile, at a small town carnival, a demonic clown is persuading children to let them into their home so he can murder their parents.

Season 2, Episode 3: Bloodlust

Original Air Date: 12 October 2006

The Winchester brothers enjoy Dean's new baby, a shiny new car, while checking out a report of two recent human deaths and over a dozen split-open cows in small town Red Lodge. The sheriff laughs a cult away, claiming it happens naturally in the sun, but sneaking into the morgue under false pretenses they find a victim has retractable vampire fangs. They catch black demon hunter Gordon Walker, who claims to be a friend of their late dad and having made both kills after six months of vampire chasing started years before to revenge his sister; Dean confesses to him he misses his seemingly unstoppable dad desperately. The boys are just in time to save Gordon from another vampire farmer, but Ellen Harvelle warns Sam that Gordon is capable but too dangerous to work with. Returning to the motel, Sam is knocked down and kidnapped by the vampires led by Eli and Lenore, who claim their kind bites only cows. Being released unharmed, Sam believes them, but feels Dean's fist for forsaking their mission and suggesting Dean joins Gordon as a poor substitute for father. Then Gordon goes after the nest alone, anyway...

Season 2, Episode 4: Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things

Original Air Date: 19 October 2006

Sam insists to visit ma Mary's grave, although empty and meaningless to Dean, who is however intrigued in the cemetery by the perfect circle of dead vegetation around the three days old grave of local college student Angela Mason who died in a car accident, suspecting the ground is desecrated, Sam thinks it's another diversion not to have to think about either deceased Winchester parent. Her roommate Lindsey says Angela's grieving boyfriend Matt Harrison just slit his throat, all plants in his place are also dead. Another student, Neil Levine, tells Matt blamed himself because Angela caught him with another girl the night of her accident, the boys find her grave empty except for a necromantic spell in Ancient Greek. Dean accuses Angela's pa, Dr. Mason, but Sam notices healthy plants and fears for his brother's sanity. Angela was actually resurrected by Neil, her still enamored ex, alas as a zombie who kills for revenge. Next target is Lindsey, the one she caught with Matt, but the Winchester boys are in time to save her and need to lure Angela back to her grave bed and make Neil admit she's in his house, however he refuses to help either side...

Season 2, Episode 5: Simon Said

Original Air Date: 26 October 2006

Visions show Sam, still hunting for the master demon with Dean, the way to another small town where paranormal events occur, some innocent, some chillingly evil. The Winchester brothers are convinced it's all the paranormal work of 23 year-old Andy Gallagher, but doubt as that boy, although a bit of an outcast looser living in a van filled with philosophy as well as rock music seems sincerely surprised and using his powers with self-control. Soon they find after rescuing Tracy from what seems his work there is another at least as able and less scrupled, in fact Andy's secret twin-brother, whose vengeance for their separation strikes out mercilessly, a cool killer, which even Andy may be unable to help the brothers stop in his sadistic steps...

Season 2, Episode 6: No Exit

Original Air Date: 2 November 2006

Sam and Dean meet up with America's first serial killer, while Jo lies to her mother about going to Vegas and joins Sam and Dean to help them on their hunt.

Season 2, Episode 7: The Usual Suspects

Original Air Date: 9 November 2006

Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) investigate the murders of a lawyer and his wife who claimed to have seen a ghost right before they died. However, after local detectives Ballard (guest star Linda Blair) and Sheridan (guest star Jason Gedrick) uncover the Winchesters' records, they arrest the brothers for a double homicide before they are able to find the ghost. When the ghost begins to visit Ballard, she begins to wonder if the tale Sam and Dean are telling her could be true, and if she might be the next to die.

Season 2, Episode 8: Crossroad Blues

Original Air Date: 16 November 2006

San and Dean try to save the life of architect Evan Hudson who sold his soul to a demon so that his wife could live a long and healthy life free of cancer. While Sam protects Evan from hellhounds, Dean is tempted by the demon, who tries to convince him to trade his soul for his father's life, who she claims did the same to save Dean and is now suffering in hell for it.

Season 2, Episode 9: Croatoan

Original Air Date: 7 December 2006

Another one of Sam's visions in which Dean kills a man by name of Duane Tanner sends the Winchesters to Rivergrove, a near ghost town facing mass demonic possession. Sam and Dean begin to believe that the demons are trying to destroy the town from the inside out when the remaining town-folk try to kill them.

Season 2, Episode 10: Hunted

Original Air Date: 11 January 2007

Ava(guest star Katharine Isabelle) is a 23 year old girl with no connection to the world of the supernatural except for the fact she has visions of Sam dying in an explosion after trying to rescue his brother.

Season 2, Episode 11: Playthings

Original Air Date: 18 January 2007

Sam and Dean visit the Pierpont Inn, a creepy old mansion turned failing hotel. They meet the owner, Susan, and her daughter Tyler, who are packing to move after they sell the hotel. Tyler is playing with a little girl named Maggie. The brothers notice strange items around the hotel, including an urn with a familiar pattern, dolls with their heads backwards and Susan's mother, who looks vacant and beyond terrified. When Susan finds them in her mother's room trying to talk to her, she throws them out and threatens to call the cops.

Season 2, Episode 12: Nightshifter

Original Air Date: 25 January 2007

A Jewellary store heist committed by an employee is linked to a mysterious bank robberies bring Sam and Dean into the chase. The weird part seems to be the fact that the suspects end up dead before even getting their hands on the money. A friendly tip points towards another shapeshifter. However, the search is interrupted by a hostage crisis.

Season 2, Episode 13: Houses of the Holy

Original Air Date: 1 February 2007

The Winchesters investigate a spate of murders committed by people who were apparently visited by an angel and told to carry out "God's will" and kill those who have sinned. For Sam it's easy to believe it to be the case. Not so for easy Dean, who believes they're dealing the confused and angry spirit of Father Gregory, a man murdered on the steps of his church in an attempted robbery. While checking up on a lead Sam is visited by the angel and told to kill someone.

Season 2, Episode 14: Born Under a Bad Sign

Original Air Date: 8 February 2007

After Sam goes missing for over a week, Dean finally receives a phone call from his brother. Dean finds Sam in a hotel room, covered in blood and suffering from the effects of a week long memory blackout. Upon investigation, the brothers find a video-tape of Sam killing another hunter in cold blood, which leads Sam to believe his dark side is taking over. When the dark side finally emerges Sam attacks Dean and continues on his hunter killing spree with his next targets being family friends Jo Harvelle and Bobby Singer.

Season 2, Episode 15: Tall Tales

Original Air Date: 15 February 2007

Sam, Dean, and Bobby(guest star Jim Beaver)encounter what appears to be a dancing alien, a chainsaw killer, alligators in the sewers, and other oddities straight out of the tabloids while probing strange occurrences on a college campus. They discover all are actually the work of one college janitor, a Trickster who has the ability to conjure into reality anything he wants. Not helping matters is the brothers' slowly escalating feud which Bobby suspects is also the work of the Trickster.

Season 2, Episode 16: Roadkill

Original Air Date: 15 March 2007

Molly(guest Tricia Helfer)and her husband are driving along a long deserted highway at night when they come upon a farmer. The next thing Molly knows both the husband and the farmer have disappeared. Things get worse when the Winchesters inform Molly that the farmer is actually a highway ghost who appears annually to claim a new victim, who happens to be Molly this time.

Season 2, Episode 17: Heart

Original Air Date: 22 March 2007

Sam and Dean come across werewolf activity when they investigate the death of lawyer who was believed to have been killed by a wild animal. While Dean tracks the werewolf on the outside, Sam offers to protect Madison(guest star Emmanuelle Vaugier)who is likely to be the werewolf's next target.

Season 2, Episode 18: Hollywood Babylon

Original Air Date: 19 April 2007

The Winchesters go undercover as PAs on a haunted movie set after getting wind of reports of tag teaming ghosts. The brothers deal with an asinine studio executive out to make cheap marketing stunts(guest star Gary Cole), a disenfranchised screenwriter seeking revenge for unnecessary revisions to a formally great script, and Dean's fan-boyish feelings for the leading lady.

Season 2, Episode 19: Folsom Prison Blues

Original Air Date: 26 April 2007

The Brothers Winchester get busted on breaking and entering charges during a routine evidence gathering trip and sent to a haunted prison while awaiting extradition. Dean and Agent Henriksen come face-to-face for the first time. Sam and Dean earn a new ally in the form of Mara, their public defender who starts to probe the inconsistencies between the charges placed on the brothers and what the witnesses say they saw.

Season 2, Episode 20: What Is and What Should Never Be

Original Air Date: 3 May 2007

Dean gets attacked by a Djinn, a creature capable of warping reality. The next things he knows he's in Lawrence, Kansas, in a stable relationship with a woman named Carmen, his mother is alive and well, and he and Sam are no longer on speaking terms. When the idea of a peaceful existence begins to settle in, visions of his previous life as a hunter start appearing out of nowhere.

Season 2, Episode 21: All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1

Original Air Date: 10 May 2007

The Yellow Eyed Demon transports Sam, Andy, and Ava along with other "Special Children" Jake and Lily to the remains of a ghost town to initiate the first steps of his war against mankind. Dean contacts Bobby Singer, Ash, and Ellen for help in locating his brother.

Season 2, Episode 22: All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2

Original Air Date: 17 May 2007

Dean hits an emotional rock bottom after a devastating personal loss. The Yellow Eyed Demon begins a calculated strategic move to unleash the armies of hell.

Сезон 2

Епизод 22 - All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2

Дата на излъчване: 17.05.2007 г. (САЩ) / (БГ)Сценарист: Ерик Крипки и Майкъл Т. МурРежисьор: Робърт Сингър

Дийн трябва да се справи с последиците от битката между Сам и Джейк и плаща прекалено висока цена за това, че се е намесил. Демонът и неговите слуги застрашават да застигнат ловците преди те да получат помощ от неочакван съюзник.

Епизод 21 - All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1

Дата на излъчване: 10.05.2007 г. (САЩ) / (БГ)Сценарист: Сара ГембълРежисьор: Робърт Сингър

Сам е отвлечен от Жълтоокия демон и се озовава в призрачен град заедно с други деца, притежаващи необикновени способности. Те разбират, че Демонът ги е събрал заедно, за да постави началото на своята финлна игра: война, с всички средства срещу човешката раса. В опита си да насърчи Сам да се бие, Демонът му показва какво наистина се е случило с единия от родителите му. Дийн иска помощта на Боби, да намерят Сам, преди да започне битката, но той пристига прекалено късно.

Епизод 20 - What Is, And What Should Never Be

Дата на излъчване: 03.05.2007 г. (САЩ) / (БГ)Сценарист: Райли ТъкърРежисьор: Ерик Крипки

Докато търсят Джин – изпълняващ желанията дух – Дийн е нападнат и пренесен в свят, където майка му е жива, Сам учи право и е сгоден за Джесика и той самият води напълно нормален живот с приятелката си. Но след като вижда странно момиче и научава, че всички спасени от него хора в миналото са мъртви, Дийн трябва да реши дали да остане в този безопасен нов свят, където всички, които обича са живи или да се върне към ловуването.

Епизод 19 - Folsom Prison Blues
Дата на излъчване: 26.04.2007 г. (САЩ) / (БГ)Сценарист: Джон ШайбанРежисьор: Майк Рохл

След като чуват за призрак, убиващ затворниците един по един, Сам и Дийн решават, че е най-добре да разследват случая отвътре и позволяват да ги вкарат в щатския затвор. След като Хенриксън, агент на ФБР, поема случая им, измъкването от затвора започва да им се струва по-трудно от откриването на призрака.

Епизод 18 - Hollywood Babylon

Епизод 17 - Heart

Епизод 16 - Roadkill

Епизод 15 - Tall Tales

Епизод 14 - Born Under A Bad Sign

Епизод 13 - Houses of the Holy

Епизод 12 - Nightshifter

Епизод 11- Playthings

Епизод 10 - Hunted

Епизод 09 - Croatoan

Епизод 08 - Crossroad Blues

Епизод 07 - The Usual Suspects

Епизод 06 - No Exit

Епизод 05 - Simon Said

Епизод 04 - Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things

Епизод 03 - Bloodlust

Епизод 02 - Everybody Loves a Clown

Епизод 01 - In My Time of Dying

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